Friday, June 26, 2009

The trip to Livingston Parish

What is LIGO Observatory? If your scratching your head right about now wondering what is LIGO. Do not worry we were on the same boat when I first heard about it. LIGO stands for Laser Interferometer Gravtitational-wave Obersvatory. It is one of two gravitational wave observatory in the U.S. The site was very interesting and opened my eyes to a whole new world I am ashamed that I have not really paid any attention to.

I knew about Albert Einstein and his general theory of relativity which led to the assumption of the existence of gravitational waves.Moreover, I didn't know that detecting gravitational waves can help us figure out why the Big Bang and all the corruption in the universe occurred. I learned that noise effects the detection of gravitational waves. So, LIGO is trying to find a way to filter out the noise.On the other hand, the most interesting process I saw at the site was how they detect the waves using infrared laser beams. First, the beams are released out of the main building also known as the control center. There is the main mirror that reflects the beam into two directions leading to two different mirrors in separate buildings. In each building there is a mirror that reflects the beams back to the control center. This process is intriguing and is like no other, it's very unique and brilliant. There are two tunnel-like arms that stretch 4-kilometers out to the other bulidings, which is astoundingly detailed and constructed.The ultrastable laser beams have to travel through these tunnels which consist of vacuum pipes.

If there is any vibration from the earth,like a tree falling or construction near by it will interrupt the data received by the very sensitive beams. Meaning it's very hard to detect the gravitational waves with the noisy encircling environment we live in. That's why these sites are built as far as possible from major cities. I was told the only way Ligo will be sure that the detection is 100 % correct is if their partnering site in Washington, which is thousands of miles away, gets the same exact reading they received. When that happens technology will be change forever and science books will not be able to fit in an average size bookbag anymore. I would recommend everyone to go visit a site like LIGO, because it was an experience I will never forget. I would like to thank Mr.Greg Guzik for arranging the trip.Encore...Encore..I wouldn't mind taking another trip there.

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